Cheap car insurance basics are meant to protect someone if he causes injuries to others or damage their property in an auto mishap. It can also provide protection if his car is damaged in an accident or is stolen.
What protection anyone acquires is spelled out in an auto insurance policy. Auto insurance is a contract between a person and an insurance company. The customer, pay a certain amount known as premium to the insurance company in return for a set of coverage he selected. Cheap Car Insurance Basics set forth what the insurance dealer will or will not cover.
At a high level, car insurance typically provides four basic liability coverage that is for injuries to others and damage to their property, coverage for loss to his car or cars, coverage for medical costs and uninsured motorist coverage (for situations where someone without insurance injures one or a family member). There are a variety of coverage offers available; they may vary by company and state.
Auto insurance basics generally consist of three main parts, which altogether, form an auto policy:
- Declaration page - the declarations page shows information specific to the customer and his policy. This will generally include the name of the policyholder, his policy number, limits of liability, the policy term and deductibles he selected and the policy premium. It can also show other items such as discounts added to his policy, other drivers on his policy and specific vehicles insured. In addition, it also shows the other documents that form his policy in other words, it will tell him what basics of auto insurance and endorsements make up his policy. The declarations page is usually longer than one page.
- Base Policy - this spells out the basic provisions of the insurance policy coverage and the responsibilities of the insurance dealers. It also sets forth his responsibilities, which include paying his premium and telling the company when he is in an accident.
- Endorsements - it alter the base policy, just like an amendment changes a contract. Endorsements can limit, broaden, add or delete coverage or change the policy in any other way.
For more information please visit AutoInsuranceLab.Com.
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